
I haven't felt so good for the last several days. I need to, so I can enjoy this beautiful weather we're having. And I will. How are all of you?

Update on the car - AAA came out and jumped the battery. Then he removed those bulbs from the lights on the door. I will just leave it like it is without those interior lights since the car is 11 years old. I can do without them and don't need to spend the money on having a mechanic find that short. This was Sam's idea and a good one. Tugboat has now named my car Matilda, which is funny because I don't name my cars or call them anything but "it" instead of he or she. I call it a name when I refer to my car as a Mercury Mistake instead of Mystique, which they don't make any more. It's been good and hasn't cost me extra money, so it probably just wanted to show me that I was wrong. I can live with that.
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