One thing I enjoy the most is when I see bags in a
Louis Vuitton boutique that I have never seen before. There are approximately 140 stores worldwide and I am fortunate enough that we have FIVE stores around where I live. Last night, I was arrested by two
LVoely versions of the
Brea in Epi Leather, happily sitting by LV's windows. I bet it is not a mere coincidence that both were sporting the colours of the season, Ivoire and Rubis.
I've always pictured the Brea as a business type bag but the colours pulled them out of their ho-humness and breathed life into them. (Gosh, so dramatic!)
Lastly, as I was stepping out of the store, my eye caught a huge chunk of leather sitting close to the ground. It was none other than Fall Winter's
Intrigue in Gris. They did not have this in
September's Trunkshow and I was dying to play with this $4000 baby. Sadly, it was near closing and I did not want to impose on my sales associate.