You've played the game Six Degrees of Separation, right? It's built on the premise that the world is so small, that we can each link to any other person on earth through only six other people. There's even a game called Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, in which any actor you name can be traced through six films back to the actor Kevin Bacon.
This week I'm playing my own version of the Six Degrees game for Set 50, with five songs. Basically, a couple of notes from a melody popped into my head yesterday during my drive home. I turned the music off and chased the melody until I had a bit more. That led me to the chorus, and the song title followed.
I rode the last 10 minutes home in silence to make sure I didn't lose the song. Then I wrote it down as soon as I walked in the door. After dinner, Pam and I checked to make certain that had the song. It did.
So this is my version of the Six Degrees game. I call it Five Degrees of Musical Progression. It starts with the song I remembered from a couple of notes. See if you can trace what leads to each succeeding song in the Set.
I'll warn you...I made a couple of leaps you might not follow. But I'm interested to see what you come up with that links one song to the next. I'll post my Five Degrees some time next week.
As always, if you'd like to join us in the musical fun, the guidelines are basic and simple.
1. Grab the banner, make your post title Five on Friday, and be sure to link back here.2. Go to to make your play list of five songs. You may choose a particular theme to share with us, or post random tunes if that's your vibe for the day. You can simply post the play list, or you can add a little summary about what you are sharing.2a. Don't feel restricted by the tracks listed on And don't be discouraged if the Embed code won't work. You're welcome to use any type of media to share your Sets.3. Be sure to sign Mr Linky so everyone can visit your Set.4. No tags, but feel free to invite your friends to play along if they need a post topic on a Friday.