If you aren't aware, the night before Whitney Houston's death, I decided to skip the Grammy's parties and start a documentary that I wanted to do for a long time regarding Addiction and helping people avoid the traps of it with my friend Lynnelle (who has been sober from crack addiction for 15 years). During the original video we discussed Whitney Houston among other celebs and the double standard of the rich vs the working person when they have challenges with addiction.
To say the least regardless of what I heard about Whitney Houston in the days before her death I was shocked and sadden with her passing. And a little freaked out. After Whitney's death Lynnelle and I got together and did more videos. By a twist of fate the original video wouldn't load so there was a considerable delay in putting it up on my blog and youtube. Anyway, here it is broken down into smaller bits. Also in another twist of the fate, the family of Ms. Houston is calling for an investigation on her death. They think it is murder? But will their requests be taken seriously because it is easy to discount their theory because Whitney Houston was labeled a drug addict. Regardless of the outcome one thing is certain, It is ALL ABOUT THE $$$$...