I received this email today: "Hey i was just in a boutique last night and got a chance to peak at upcoming bags! even though i could not snap a picture i would love to confirm to you that the Alma WILL be returning in multicolor it will even come in two sizes! pm (just like original mc alma) and a mm version that will include a front pocket like the MC Speedy. Speaking of the MC speedy i am pleased to tell you that they will be dropping a MC SPEEDY 40! expect the pieces in fall! I've been reading your blog for 3 years and please keep it up Best louis vuitton blog on the net hands down."
Thanks for the information Danny and for being a faithful follower of my blog. So here are the photos of the said Almas. I haven't really been
LVooking into the Multicolore Line but that Alma MM with the pocket sure is puuurrreeetttttyyyyy!!!
LVoe, LVoe, LVoe it!!!