
I'm back! My HP laptop died. It kept trying to turn on but kept turning off and trying again. It also has NVIDIA graphics problems. I got mail about that chip. I'll get it fixed but needed something now for my part-time job grading assignments for the CWHS Virtual High School. I bought a cute little 10" Acer Aspire One netbook for just $240. It's going to be great to take places with me. The 17" HP was a bit unwieldy for that. Mine's dark red.

30 Days of Peace Quotes

My blog pal Goodnight Gram was in the hospital all last week, having a surgery and then recovering.  She's home now, getting her rest and continuing to recover, knitting and thinking about stones.  In fact, she wondered if I might come up with a Peace Quote about stones.

And so I went looking, and sure enough...

"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock."  Thomas Jefferson

The 7th Blog Blast for Peace is Thursday.  You have a voice.  What will you say?

Check the top of my side bar to your left and click on any of the Peace Globe links for all the information you need to participate in this year's Blog Blast for Peace.  Or go directly to Mimi Writes and click any of the links just beneath the blog header.

If you need help with your Globe, let me know in comments.

You know you want to join us.  Come on.  Do it.

I believe that words have power, so this matters.

30 Days of Peace Quotes

We're counting down to Blog Blast for Peace on 4 November 2010 with 30 days of peace quotes.

"Though force can protect in emergency, only justice, fairness, consideration, and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace."  Dwight D Eisenhower

Check the top of my side bar to your left and click on any of the Peace Globe links for all the information you need to participate in this year's Blog Blast for Peace.  Or go directly to Mimi Writes and click any of the links just beneath the blog header.

If you need help with your Globe, let me know in comments.

You know you want to join us.  Come on.  Do it.

I believe that words have power, so this matters.

You have a voice.
What will you say?
November 4, 2010


I'm devoting a whole paragraph to Jimmy Smits - for obvious reasons. They're also canceling Outlaw. Since he was on NYPD Blue and LA Law, he hasn't been on another long-running series on his own. Just as he was elected President on The West Wing, it was canceled. I've never gotten over that, either. It is my favorite show of all time even though it was never as good after Aaron Sorkin quit writing it. I remained loyal, but alas! Then Cane didn't last too long, which I could understand. I watched it but didn't like his character.

Now Outlaw will be gone! I like that show and his character is interesting and complex. But no! They'll keep those horrible bachelor shows on along with various mind-numbing reality shows because they are cheaper to produce - so are comedies. Dramas cost more, too, so they cut their losses and don't really give them time to develop the way they used to. Networks, movie studios, and music labels are run by MBA's who won't let producers and writers and performers find their audience or get better. I realize they're in business, but those are creative endeavors. The creativity part needs to be considered not always what is most marketable. Sometimes audiences can be brought up to a higher level.

We know there are way too many dumb people. Look how they vote and not just on American Idol and DWTS. Some of them are running for office and bask in their ignorance. Instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator of humanity, TV could have some quality shows on. Music could produce options to Taylor Swift. Movie studios could be original instead of having so many remakes and sequels.

Thank goodness, for The Good Wife! Hope they don't cancel that.

David and Ginger, you're absolutely right! I added pictures of my favorite hunky actor!

The Whole Truth

I've read that ABC plans to cancel The Whole Truth. I don't know if any of you watch it, but I like it. Rob Morrow and Maura Tierney play opposing attorneys. He for the defense and she with the DA's office. The show lets us see preparation for both sides of the trial and then know the truth after the verdict. It's well-written and has a good cast. Many people didn't know what it was about, and ABC didn't let it stay on long enough to find an audience. If you feel inspired, please go HERE and ask them to reconsider and put it back on the air. Too many people thought it wasn't fiction but some kind of reality show. I contacted them to be counted in the ones who want it to stay on the air. Hope it helps.

And btw do any of you know why Criminal Minds wrote JJ out of the show? The show needs that character because she gave it some humanity and relieved tension.

I contacted both networks. They make it easy to get in touch with them, unlike NBC. Figures.


Yesterday I went to the state volleyball tournament at MTSU to watch my two granddaughters play. Right now they're playing for the state championship in their division (District 1 A). It's on the computer on the TSSAA Network website HERE where you can see games already played, I think. Anyway, just wanted to let you know. They're numbers 6 and 7.

ps ... They won in an exciting close game!

30 Days of Peace Quotes

We're counting down to Blog Blast for Peace on 4 November 2010 with 30 days of peace quotes.

"What is the quality of your intent...My intent will be evident in the results."  Thurgood Marshall

Check the top of my side bar to your left and click on any of the Peace Globe links for all the information you need to participate in this year's Blog Blast for Peace.  Or go directly to Mimi Writes and click any of the links just beneath the blog header.

If you need help with your Globe, let me know in comments.

You know you want to join us.  Come on.  Do it.

I believe that words have power, so this matters.

You have a voice.
What will you say?
November 4, 2010

Five on Friday Set 40

I suppose this week's theme is pretty obvious.  The song that inspired this rainy Set 40 is Here Comes that Rainy Day Feeling Again as performed by The Fortunes, but I couldn't find it on

Of course that sent us to YouTube for the video.  And then that led us to quite the pleasant evening video hopping.  We started with The Fortunes and after an hour ended up with I Will Always Love You as performed by the incomparable Dolly Parton.  I should have kept track of the songs we hopped so you could see how we made that little journey.

Anyway, here's our rain songs for Set 40.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

As always, if you'd like to join us in the musical fun, the guidelines are basic and simple.

1. Grab the banner, make your post title Five on Friday, and be sure to link back here.
2. Go to to make your play list of five songs. You may choose a particular theme to share with us, or post random tunes if that's your vibe for the day. You can simply post the play list, or you can add a little summary about what you are sharing.
2a. Don't feel restricted by the tracks listed on And don't be discouraged if the Embed code won't work. You're welcome to use any type of media to share your Sets.
3. Be sure to sign Mr Linky so everyone can visit your Set.
4. No tags, but feel free to invite your friends to play along if they need a post topic on a Friday.

Go forth and enjoy music!

Happy Bloggiversary to me!

Trav's Thoughts began on 28 October 2006.

Recently I've been remiss at answering your comments.  You take time out of your days to cruise by and read what I've written, or look at the pictures, or visit a link I offer, or view the video clips I find, or listen to the music I post.  Many of you have been here since that first post, and others have stumbled upon this place along the way.

I feel a sense of community with all of you.  Early on in the process I made it my philosophy to answer comments.  After all, you were moved to take a few extra minutes to write them.  It's only right for me to respond.

I apologize for not doing that more regularly.  The only excuse I have is that life has gotten busy.  That's true, but more and more I understand that this blog is part of my life.  So "life got in the way" is kind of a measly reason for not interacting with you when you so generously offer your thoughts to me.

I can't ignore the people and things in my brick and mortar world that need my attention.  And I can't ignore the people and things in my virtual world that also need my attention.

So it comes down to balance, doesn't it?  And after four years of having this place I realize that sometimes brick and mortar balances with virtual.  Sometimes it doesn't.

You can depend on this...when the cycle of my life moves back into balance, I will answer your comments regularly.  Until then, know that I read what you have to say to me and consider your words as much a part of this places as my own words and images and links and videos and music Sets.

You are my community.

"In every community there is work to be done.  In every nation, there are wounds to heal.  In every heart there is the power to do it."  Marianne Williamson

Check the top of my side bar to your left and click on any of the Peace Globe links for all the information you need to participate in this year's Blog Blast for Peace.  Or go directly to Mimi Writes and click any of the links just beneath the blog header.

If you need help with your Globe, let me know in comments.

You know you want to join us.  Come on.  Do it.

I believe that words have power, so this matters.

You have a voice.
What will you say?
November 4, 2010

Louis Vuitton Pochette Altair

I was browsing through Saks' Holiday Catalogue when I saw what was described as the Bronze Pochette Altair. Crafted out of embroidered jacquard, the Limelight-esque evening clutch is accented by an acetate jeweled lock. Priced at $2070 this will surely be a show stopper to any holiday party. LVoe it!!!

Melissa the Talented

Melissa did all the art for HERO Games Fantasy Hero 6th Edition! Check it out HERE. She's on Facebook and also has a website HERE which many of you have seen. I'm thrilled for her!

Here's the cover.

Here she is with Brian and their friend Todd in the middle. She's wearing the t-shirt I bought for her at Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia. It has a caffeine molecule on it. She loves coffee and is a science geek, so I had to get it for her. She's an enthusiastic little thing - an artist, wonderful wife to my son, fabulous mother to my grandson, and most excellent daughter-in-law!!! Love her and am proud of her always!

Photo grows larger when clicked. Woo!

Donuts I Don't Like

I'm in the donut hole which none of you know anything about unless you're over 65 or are a pharmacist. This explanation and chart from Wikipedia (not always a reliable source as we know but is in this case) gives you the idea.

The following table shows the Medicare benefit breakdown (including the donut hole) for 2009, for 2010 the total TrOOP has increased to $4,550 before catastrophic coverage begins.

  • "Total drug spend" represents the actual cost of the drugs purchased, factoring in any Medicare discounts.
  • "TrOOP" (true out-of-pocket expenses) represents the amount of their own money that the patient has paid.
  • The donut hole is shown below in grey.

2009 Medicare Part D payments

Total drug spend TrOOP Out-of-pocket cost Portion covered by Medicare
$0–$295 $0–$295 Deductible is out-of-pocket No Medicare coverage of costs
$295–$2,700 $295–$896.25 25% out-of-pocket 75% covered by Medicare
$2,700-$6,154 $896.25-$4,350.25 All costs are out-of-pocket No Medicare coverage of costs
over $6,154 over $4,350.25 5% out-of-pocket 95% covered by Medicare

Last year I got in the donut hole a little over a month before the year was over. This year I got there in July, which means I pay full price for all my prescriptions from August until the end of the year. I won't reach that out-of-pocket amount (thank goodness) which would let me get more coverage later on. This means I'm stuck paying around $500 for my prescriptions a month along with what I pay for Medicare and the Advantage Plan I have. That brings it to over $700 a month. That's a big chunk out of my teacher retirement and social security, which together is maybe 70-75% of my salary as a teacher, which in rural Tennessee isn't that much to begin with.

The Healthcare Plan is supposed to do away with the donut hole next year. I hope the Republicans that get elected don't do away with the new plan. Can they? Since this donut hole idea started in 2006, we know who was president and which party had the majority in the legislature.

I would be happy and willing to pay more in taxes to help provide national healthcare coverage. I believe it is part of being a caring, concerned citizen to help those who need it however we can. Any taxes I'd pay would definitely be less than I'm paying now for my meds, which is not the whole point but a factor for sure. I can't wrap my head around personal and corporate greed and am glad I can't. There's help out there for those who can't pay for their meds, but typically, I make too much for that but not enough to comfortably pay it. I'm making it but will do better next year when this isn't an issue.

What is a major concern are those people who pay much more for their meds than I do and have to decide between medication and food or heat. This is just wrong. People shouldn't lose their homes and businesses because of medical costs, but it happens. We fall short in so many ways "compared to other industrialized countries" - a phrase seen too often in vital issues.

Cue that theme music...

It's results live from Hollywood!

If you read my recap of Monday's performance show, you might infer that my disagreement with the majority of the judges' scores last night might make it difficult for me to choose some encore routines for you today.

You would be correct. 

So guess what?  You get links to all the dances from Monday!

Click here to watch the Paso Doble from Audrina and Tony.  I didn't dislike this dance, but the critique from the judges didn't match the 24 they threw down, so I was confused.

Click here to watch the Tango from Kyle and Lacey.  I thought this dance was technically better than Audrina's and more entertaining, but the judges gave it 23.

Click here to watch the Paso Doble from Jennifer and Derek.  I admit to bias, but I just don't see how this dance rated at 20, despite the mistake at the end.  I don't mind criticism of my favorite celebrity, but I don't care for it much when it seems fabricated based on 15 seconds of mistake at the end of 1min 30sec of otherwise solid dancing.

Click here to watch the Tango from Rick and Cheryl.  I thought Rick was wooden and robotic, but the judges thought it was worth a 24.

Click here to watch the Tango from Bristol and Mark.  I thought Bristol really connected with the way Mark choreographed this dance.  I thought it was entertaining and technically excellent, but the judges thought it was only worth 23.  Or perhaps they really thought it was a 26, but each graded down 1 point for the air guitar break in the hold, which is a no no in competition Tango.

Click here to watch the Paso Doble from Kurt and Anna.  The judges scored this dance at 18, and I did agree that there were few hi-lights.

Click here to watch the Tango from Brandy and Maks.  The judges thought this dance was a 26, and I thought it was dance of the night.

And for fun, here's the Rock and Roll Dance Marathon.

Here's a reminder of the leader board after Monday's performances:

36 Brandy and Maks
32 Audrina and Tony
30 Kyle and Lacey 
30 Rick and Cheryl
29 Jennifer and Derek
28 Bristol and Mark
22 Kurt and Anna 

Let's get our first results...Kurt and Anna are safe.  Bristol and Mark are safe.

The judges select the Tango from Bristol and Mark as the encore choice.

Oh yeah!  It's Ann and Nancy Wilson in the ballroom...otherwise known as Heart and they rocked Barracuda!  And a word to those who pre-record their vocals so they can dance around the ballroom...Heart plays it live baby.  They were accompanied by Derek, Louis, Damien (from last season), Karina, Chelsie, and Anna Demidova in a great Paso choreographed by Louis.

More results...Rick and Cheryl are safe.

Check it...Alice Cooper, Dee Snider, and Bret Michaels talk about the remaining celebrities.  That's hilarious.  But why not?  They know about as much as I do about dancing, and way more than me about what it takes to get on stage and perform.

Macy's Stars of Dance features dancers choreographed by Travis Wall, a champion high school show choir, and the kids from School of Rock, paying tribute to Rock Week.  That was outstanding!

Next's Kylie Minogue.  That was enjoyable.

More results...Brandy and Maks are safe.  Kyle and Lacey are safe.  Jennifer and Derek are safe.

That means Audrina and Tony are out.

The judges made a big show, whining about justice and how neither Audrina nor Jennifer should go home at this stage.  Well guess what gang?  Len said he was disappointed with Audrina still not getting the character of the dance.  And the judges as a group handed out a 20 to Jennifer.  You just can't have it both ways.

The fans voted for Baby, and didn't vote enough for Audrina.  That's how the show works.

One of these days,'ll hoist that Fabulous Mirror Ball Trophy.

So next week is the 200th episode of Dancing with the Stars.  Taylor Swift and Rod Stewart will visit the ballroom.  There will be all kinds of returning celebrities and guest judges.  And, Kristi Yamaguchi and Apolo Anton Ohno will be captains for team dances.  Cool, eh?

We're counting down to Blog Blast for Peace on 4 November 2010 with 30 days of peace quotes.

"The best principles of our republic secure to all its citizens a perfect equality of rights."  Thomas Jefferson

Check the top of my side bar to your left and click on any of the Peace Globe links for all the information you need to participate in this year's Blog Blast for Peace.  Or go directly to Mimi Writes and click any of the links just beneath the blog header.

If you need help with your Globe, let me know in comments.

You know you want to join us.  Come on.  Do it.

I believe that words have power, so this matters.

You have a voice.
What will you say?
November 4, 2010

Cue that theme music...

It's live from Hollywood!

This week our 7 remaining pairs face two dances, one individual piece set to rock music and then a group dance marathon.  The dance marathon has become a fun feature over the last few seasons.

Our dance styles are Paso Doble and Tango, which makes sense because those Latin dances fit the back beat of most rock songs.

But first, it's a count down of the Top 10 favorite dances across all seasons, as voted by fans.

10. Freestyle from Shawn Johnson and Mark Ballas, Season 8 champions
9.   Argentine Tango from Donny Osmond and Kym Johnson, Season 9 champions
8.   Quickstep from Helio Castroneves and Julianne Hough, Season 5 champions
7.   Freestyle from Apolo Anton Ohno and Julianne Hough, Season 4 champions
6.   Paso Doble from Joanna Krupa and Derek Hough, Season 9 4th place
5.   Paso Doble from Mel B and Maks Chmerkovskiy, Season 5 runners up
4.   Paso Doble from Nicole Scherzinger and Derek Hough, Season 10 champions
3.   Samba from Apolo and Julianne
2.   Argentine Tango from Gilles Marini and Cheryl Burke, Season 8 runners up
1.   Freestyle from Drew Lachey and Cheryl Burke, Season 2 champions

Yes, that sound you heard was Pam's squee for Donny's Argentine Tango.

Let's see how our stars handle Latin dances to rock tunes.

Audrina and Tony dance Paso Doble.  I thought she was going to be a real contender, but I think she's going backwards.  She looks very unsure of her steps.  She did fine when Tony was placing her, but when she had to dance, I thought it was just completely flat.  I didn't feel any of the aggression and passion that I expect from Paso.  I think she really does have the ability and talent to get better, but she's just not improving in her performances.  Maybe she's just not able to be comfortable with the Latin styles.  Her posture and control are pretty good.  I'd like to see her extend and emphasize each movement.  Carrie Ann said it well...Audrina needs to understand the intention behind each movement, and that will help her with her performance.  Judges say 8's across for a total of 24.  I don't understand the score.  The judges were lukewarm about the dance, but the score suggests that they liked it better than they described.

Kyle and Lacey dance Tango.  I like the way he attacked this dance.  He had the right demeanor.  He did fumble a few steps, but I thought his posture and his frame was pretty solid.  He stayed in character also.  There didn't seem to be any of the little charm breaks that he's had in most of his dances.  I think that was his best dance to date and I loved Lacey's choreography.  He demonstrated control throughout the entire dance.  He concentrated on his footwork and straightened out his pidgeon toes.  His performance and connection to the audience still carries him, but I can see that he's beginning to bring performance and technique more into balance.  This dance made me smile and was definitely an improvement over last week.  Judges say 8,7,8 for a total of 23.  Now I thought this dance was better than Audrina and Tony.

Jennifer and Derek dance Paso Doble.  I have very high expectations for this dance.  This dance might make my list of Top 10 dances.  I loved the intensity and the passion.  It was dramatic, but also sophisticated.  It was also very fast paced, and that caught up to them right at the end.  Jennifer lost her balance right on the last spin, and then Derek lost his timing.  They really pushed it, and as the dance got to the end the speed of the footwork and spins got away from them.  I thought the dance was excellent right up until that last few moments when it got away from them.  Judges say 6,7,7 for a total of 20.  I don't understand that score.  The dance had everything a proper Paso needs.  They just missed on about 15 seconds at the end.  Have I gone completely blind to what they are doing because Jennifer is my favorite?  Sure they weren't perfect with that miss at the end, but I don't see how that is a 20 dance. 

Do you notice a theme?  I'm not on the same page as the judges.

Rick and Cheryl dance Tango.  Well, it looks like he's gone back to Optimus Prime.  I thought he was very stiff and mechanical in his movement.  And his face was completely expressionless.  He's an actor, so I would have expected he could portray the passion and drama of this dance.  I was not impressed by the performance.  On the positive side, I did think his posture, frame, and hold were very good.  This Tango was more like a Paso with the aggression and intensity.  I prefer a more romantic and passionate Tango.  I think maybe his need to analyze every step is coming across in trying to be too precise with technique and footwork, which is impacting his performance.  At least it is for me.  Judges say 8's across for a total of 24.  I don't get that score either.

Bristol and Mark dance Tango.  Now I can actually recognize proper Tango steps in this choreography, and see them performed well.  She was precise and clean with her footwork.  And that break for the bit of air guitar didn't put her off her game.  She got silly, then she got right back into character.  Unfortunately, that break in hold is a penalty in a competition Tango because once you take up hold you must maintain it until the end.  I think this was her best performance to date...because it was a complete performance, combining the technique with the character.  That was really enjoyable.  It was a proper Tango and it was danced very well.  Even with the penalty due from the air guitar break, this was a terrific dance.  Judges say 8,7,8 for a total of 23.  Oh for Pete's sake!  I thought that was as good as or better than Audrina or Rick! 

Kurt and Anna dance Paso Doble.  He had the Paso attitude, but I had some problems with what he was doing with his free arm a couple of times.  In hold I thought he was terrific.  But when he separated from Anna, something got lost.  The crowd went nuts, but I can't really figure out why.  I thought the dance was actually a bit sloppy and quite awkward.  I think the best thing I can say about the dance was the intensity, but it ended up being a bit too rough and tumble.  He had plenty of attitude, but lacked the technical proficiency.  Judges say 6's across for a total of 18.  This would be the first time I kind of agreed with the scoring.  And I think from the reaction of the crowd that we can expect plenty of folks to get the phones out for Kurt.

Brandy and Maks dance Tango.  I expect her to be very good in this dance, but she has to do what she did last week, which is forget about everything and just dance it.  I hated the costumes, but everything else about this dance was outstanding.  When she settles down and trusts Maks, she is excellent.  She put everything into that dance.  Maks' choreography was perfect.  It worked with the music and it worked for her ability.  She took all of the emotion from the last few weeks and channeled it into an excellent performance.  It wasn't perfect...there were a few balance slips.  But not being perfect didn't keep it from being very enjoyable.  Judges say 8,9,9 for a total of 26.  That's well deserved.

Here's our leader board after the individual dances:

26 Brandy and Maks
24 Rick and Cheryl
24 Audrina and Tony
23 Bristol and Mark
23 Kyle and Lacey
20 Jennifer and Derek
18 Kurt and Anna 

Now we have the dance marathon.  It's 4 minutes with everyone dancing on the floor at the same time, in their own spotlight.  They can do legal lifts and moves from Jive and Lindy Hop.  They dance to be last couple standing, and points are awarded based on the way they finish.  I can never judge so many couples on the floor at once, so I'll just report the order of finish.

Kurt and Anna are out for 4 points.  Bristol and Mark are out for 5 points.  Rick and Cheryl are out for 6 points.  Kyle and Lacey are out for 7 points.  Audrina and Tony are out for 8 points.  Jennifer and Derek are out for 9 points.  Brandy and Maks win the dance marathon for 10 points.

Here's our combined leader board:

36 Brandy and Maks
32 Audrina and Tony
30 Kyle and Lacey 
30 Rick and Cheryl
29 Jennifer and Derek
28 Bristol and Mark
22 Kurt and Anna

We were extremely irritated with the scoring.  We're willing to admit that maybe we're purposely not seeing the issues the judges have with Jennifer's performances over the last two weeks.  But we also understand what this show is about.  So we will not apologize for taking both of our personal cell phones and both of our work cell phones, and using all our possible votes for Jennifer and Derek.

Put Baby at the bottom of the leader board?  Nobody puts Baby at the bottom of the leader board!  Not if I have anything to say about it.

Tune in tonight for results, and check back tomorrow for encores.

Later gang!

We're counting down to Blog Blast for Peace on 4 November 2010 with 30 days of peace quotes.

"A wise man makes his own decisions; an ignorant man follows public opinion."  (Chinese proverb)

Check the top of my side bar to your left and click on any of the Peace Globe links for all the information you need to participate in this year's Blog Blast for Peace.  Or go directly to Mimi Writes and click any of the links just beneath the blog header.

If you need help with your Globe, let me know in comments.

You know you want to join us.  Come on.  Do it.

I believe that words have power, so this matters.

You have a voice.
What will you say?
November 4, 2010

A Weekend with Apol plus LVook-See

I had my good friend Apol from California visit us this weekend, so here's a few photos that documented the fun times.
A friend's visit is always a delight but being photographed having breakfast at two in the morning is not.
Of course, a visit to Louis Vuitton was at the top of list.
I was dazzled by a fur and pearl ring though I refrained from buying it. LVoe, LVoe, LVoe it!!!
Instead, I played with the Artsy Empriente! Goooooorrrgeous leather!!!
At least one of us went home with a lil' somethin-somethin...By the way, a few doors down, we saw Chris Brown and his entourage. I was star-struck despite him being an a$@h&le!
After-dinner drinks at Mimong's pad. Their wall of antique botanical prints was a sight to behold. I just had to take a pose.

Sadly, the weekend went by so fast and parting is such sweet sorrow especially if there's a Monogramouflage involved! Thanks for your visit, Apol. It was fun!

Don't forget: Prepare to vote, and then vote on 2 Nov

We got our ballots in the mail last week, and this weekend we took some time to consider and then to fill them out.  Today we'll drop them in the mail.

It always makes me feel good to vote.  I know, without a doubt, that I have done my part to hold accountable those who make decisions in my name.  That's my duty as an American citizen and I take it very seriously.

Since I know that you, my blog pals, are all civic minded individuals who understand the importance of participating in the election process, I won't spend any time admonishing you about either mailing your ballots or getting to the polls next Tuesday.

Prepare to vote, and then vote on 2 November.


Oh.  Sorry about that.  Just a small admonishment, OK?

We're counting down to Blog Blast for Peace on 4 November 2010 with 30 days of peace quotes.

"None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps."  Thurgood Marshall

Check the top of my side bar to your left and click on any of the Peace Globe links for all the information you need to participate in this year's Blog Blast for Peace.  Or go directly to Mimi Writes and click any of the links just beneath the blog header.

If you need help with your Globe, let me know in comments.

You know you want to join us.  Come on.  Do it.

I believe that words have power, so this matters.

You have a voice.
What will you say?
November 4, 2010
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